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September 9, 2024

Howdy friends! Welcome back! Thank you to everyone who continually supports us! It means the world to a small business owner! 📌 Our...

August 1, 2024

Howdy and welcome back! We are so excited for all upcoming things and the happening on the farm! First off Betty Louise’s and Rockstar’s...

July 10, 2024☀️

Howdy friends! We’re coming on here for some big announcements! First off we will be open this Saturday to the public! This is in...

June 20, 2024✨

Howdy my friends! Welcome back to another blog post! We just wanted to jump on here real quick to let everyone know that we had to cancel...

June 5, 2024 Blog Post⭐️

Howdy! And welcome back to our blog! This past week has been amazing! We have a new item in our shop! It’s our newly designed (designed...

May 20, 2024 Blog Post💫

Howdy! 🤠 Welcome back to another blog post! This past weekend I was able to go onto my church’s women retreat at the 4H Center in...

Betty Louise Day is May 12th!

Hello!!! And welcome back to our blog! In today's post we are going to be talking all about farm life©, baby chicks, and our Betty Louise...

Announcements! 03/25/2024

OUR FIRST ANNUAL SPRING FARM FESTIVAL WAS A HIT!!! Thank you to everyone who came out and supported! WE HAD OVER 30 people show up!!! We...


Come on out this Saturday March 23, 2024 for our first annual spring farm festival! Please refer to the flyer for all the info! Let's end...

February 19, 2024☀️

It’s Announcement Monday 📣 🧡First off we want to welcome our new rooster on the block! He is a young Silkie who is still nameless 🤪...

T-Shirts and Features✨

✨T SHIRTS✨ 💘Thank you to everyone who has ordered from our Betty louise launch! The first order has been sent in and we will get back to...


We are so excited to welcome 2024 with so many amazing ideas, events and plans! We want to start off by thanking everyone who continues...


MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM SUNI BEAR FARMS! We were able to get the Christmas designs away from Betty Louise! Here are our three designs for...

Pretty Cool Pumpkins

Sun- Bear Farms formally invites you to come to our Pretty Cool Pumpkin Painting Party! Come paint a pumpkin, learn how pumpkins are...

First Annual Fall Fling- 2023

Our first annual Fall Fling was a huge hit! Thank you to everyone who came out! We were so blessed with everyone's smiles and laughs and...

Event Calendar

Hello everyone!!! This is our event calendar for the rest of the year!!! Remember that we are closed for farm tours until January 2024 If...


We are so excited for fall we decided to do a shirt order for fall edition shirts! That way you can show your love for the farm and for...

Fall Season 2023 🍂

Welcome!!! With the upcoming Fall season, we have so many events coming up, it is best for us to close our farm tours for the fall and...


Welcome to Suni- Bear Farms! I am Brandie Denard, the owner of the farm! My mission for my place is to be a safe space for everyone,...

Blog: Blog2
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