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Our Story

We are super excited that you have joined us in our dream journey! We are a small farm located in Pinson Alabama with the focus of agriculture and spreading sunshine and kindness to all! We are a safe place for animals and humans to be able to get away and enjoy God’s beautiful creation! 
A note from our owner, Brandie Denard:
“Suni- Bear Farms mission statement says it all, but I still had the question ‘what is the take away?’ In order for the farm to grow into what God has called me to do; I had to ask myself the hard questions… Howdy! I am Brandie Denard, owner of Suni- Bear Farms. I pondered for several days and finally just started to write everything that came to my mind that I loved and cared for: animals (my animals always comes first), kindness, planting seeds (physically, spiritually, and foundationally), sparking interest in others for agriculture, how truly healing animals are, and how amazing our God is! With all those written down I then put beside it “Lord lead the way” and as a jumbled up dream board and words thrown on paper; God lit the fire in me and I heard Him loud and clear on what my passion is… So here it is: 
       Suni- Bear Farms. A place where the love of animals meets a passion for planting seeds in others for God’s word and agriculture. Founded in 2019, the fullness of how healing all animals can be and seeing how agriculture works on a smaller scale came to life. Our goal is to make everyone feel like sunshine. Our mission is to advocate for agriculture, spread kindness like wildlife, and show God’s love to everyone. Our prayer is for anyone who steps foot onto our property will feel love, kindness, and feel like sunshine when they leave. Our prayer is that they may also leave with more knowledge and maybe a drive to make a difference in this world. Our passion is for animals; for without them my life wouldn’t be fulfilled. For kindness- because this world can be so dark under a shining and bright sun. And for sharing God’s word to all, so that they may too experience what all he has done for me. As I wrap this up there is one more thing- make sure you have the confidence level turned all the way up and live like Betty Louise 🤍”

Get in Touch
About Us: Our Farm
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