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  • Writer's pictureBrandie Denard

August 1, 2024

Howdy and welcome back! We are so excited for all upcoming things and the happening on the farm!

First off Betty Louise’s and Rockstar’s babies are 3 weeks old! They are growing up so quickly and they are starting to feather out so we’ll be able to see their true colors!

We also were featured on James Spann’s Facebook page this week!

Viva and Vegas (our two Shaphire gem grow outs) have officially moved out of the barn and into the chicken coop with the others! It’s a slow process getting them to mingle in with the others but it is going!

We want to thank everyone who had ordered a shirt from our July Order! Thank you to everyone for supporting our small (but growing) farm and business! This isn’t something we do for ourselves but it’s truly for our animals as well as making sure everyone feels like sunshine!

With that being said we can still take orders for shirts and other items! Message today if you want something! Browse our shop section on our website or on our Facebook page! We accept cash, checks and now venmo!!! If you need it shipped just add an extra $6!

We do have several items on discount right now for in stock items! We are clearing out inventory for our new stock as well as helping fundraise for our farmstand! We also have 2 bundles that are on sale as well! $15 for the egg bundle and $20 for the jelly bundle! Please support small!

We are also hosting a Bible study this Sunday evening at 530 pm! We would love for y’all to attend! Message to let us know if you are coming and we will send over the location address as well as our contact information!


We have an amazing opportunity for 2 people! Please read over the attached document for all the information on the brand reps and if it’s something you are interested in, fill it out and email it to us at:

And don’t forget to help us grow our Facebook page by engaging in our post (liking and commenting) and we’ll as inviting your friends and family to follow our page as well! Let’s let everyone in Alabama know about our farm and help us spread sunshine ☀️

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