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  • Writer's pictureBrandie Denard

Betty Louise Day is May 12th!

Hello!!! And welcome back to our blog! In today's post we are going to be talking all about farm life©, baby chicks, and our Betty Louise day!

First thing is we are trying to get as much checked off our goal list for 2024 before our anniversary of opening! Can you believe it's almost been 4 years since Suni- Bear Farms was officially opened and 5 years since we were established! How crazy how quickly time flies by! A lot of work has been and will continue to be poured into this place to make it the best it possibly can!

With that we have started and almost are complete with the barn's renovations! We have walls up, and will be painting them this weekend, almost all decor has been delivered and will be put up after walls are dry, and we have one more stall door to paint! It is all coming together and I absolutely love it!

With all that, it's exciting to say that May will be Suni- Bear Farms month! So many exciting days and events are happening in May so stay up to date with our email list, Facebook and Instagram! We have serval gotcha days in May as well as our anniversary! We will be running sales and well as having a giveaway or two!

Also in May is Betty Louise day on May 12th! This is in partner with our Live Like Betty Louise Campaign! May 12th is Betty's gotcha day and she will be 3! So make sure you grab you a Betty Lousie Shirt WHICH IS ON SALE THROUGH APRIL! And be sure to wear them on May 12th!

The Live Like Betty Louise campaign meaning is to live unapologetically yourself. To have the confidence and courage to dream out loud and let your light shine to everyone. So strut your stuff like Betty does and make everyone feel like sunshine!

And lastly the baby chicks arrived on Apil 6th! We got a total of 11 chicks in the brooder and are just a growing! 7 are golden comets and will be staying with the Foundation Flack at my uncles farm and 4 are Easter eggers that will be joining the Suni- Bear Farms flock later this summer when they grow out! Easter eggers are going to be bringing the COLOR to the egg cartons! They will lay either green or blue eggs! The suspense is killing me on wanting to know what color they are going to lay! We currently have 2 Easter eggers in our flock, Dixie Chick and Bluebird. Dixie lays brown eggs and bluebird lays light green!

Thank you all so much for following along with our dream journey! It truly means the world to me! Make sure to tell your friends and family about us!!!

A special shout out to Meterologist 𝐓𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐚 Michelle for sharing our picture on her Facebook page yesterday! Thank you for sharing our farm!

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